Emergency Preparedness: Are You Storm Ready

CERT log

The Ridgefield Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) recommend that everyone make a solid preparedness plan for your people, your pets and your property. This includes knowing where you will get accurate and timely information, replacement of supplies depleted during the pandemic and making a plan to be self-sufficient by sheltering in place for at least the five to ten days. The time to be storm ready is NOW, before bad weather arrives. Here are some suggestions:

  • Sign up for Ridgefield Alerts: www.ridgefieldalerts.com. This is where you will receive updated information from your First Selectman and the Office of Emergency Management. There is an opt in segment where you can sign up for other town related news such as road closures.
  • Make a family plan where to meet if separated and have an out-of-town contact person who can monitor town updates and provide you with information if your services are down.
  • Have on hand one gallon of water per day per person for a week. Have non-perishables to prepare food at ready for a week and a manual can opener to use if power is lost.
  • Refill all RX medications ahead of a storm. Update first aid supplies and over the counter medications.
  • Fill automobile gas tanks and gas cans for generators ahead of a storm. Check your supply of propane. Have generators inspected and when in using portable generators keep them away from buildings and windows and doorways. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Make copies of important documents including your vaccination records for both family members and pets. Have cash on hand and buy ice if needed.
  • Make sure pets have food and fresh water for a week.
  • Have extra batteries for portable radios and lanterns.
  • Before a storm, charge all electronics. Consider the purchase of an external back up battery for cell phones and computers.
  • Assess potential hazards outside around your home. (Tree branches, furniture, etc.)
    • A hard copy and/or digital phone record of important documents: License, insurance, prescriptions, current pet rabies certificate, passport, deeds, etc. Have important phone numbers and passwords readily accessible.
    • Include toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and extra masks.
    • Pet supplies: Current rabies certificate, leash, water, crate, pet food and feeding dishes.
    • Current medications.
    • Include snacks, drinks, paper and pen, cards, puzzles or games for children.
    • Don’t forget to bring a cell phone charger, flashlight, pillow, sleeping bag and blanket.
    • Check with your local shelter for requirements.
  • FOLLOW: The Ridgefield Office of Emergency Management page and the Town of Ridgefield Page on FACEBOOK. Sign up for the Town Newsletter.
  • Monitor local radio: 850 AM-WREF, 800AM-WLAD, 880AM-WCBS, 98.3FM-WDAQ, 95.1FM-WRKI
  • Call Eversource to report power outages: (800) 286-2000 · To learn more about how to prepare your home: go to the www.ready.gov or follow the ready.gov Facebook page; www.redcross.org or the Red Cross Facebook page.