Minutes - Unapproved

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 5, 2024

Ridgefield Tree Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2024
6:30 p.m.

This is a Summary of the Activities of the Committee and not a verbatim transcript

In attendance: Tree Warden, Steve Lavatori; Tom McManus; Robert Roth; Paul Shotton; Kitsey Snow (arrived 7 p.m.); Anthony Lewis Tufariello; and Eileen White.
Absent: Ryan Bossis
Public: Joseph White

Approval of Minutes
UPON motion duly made (Roth), seconded (Shotton), and carried, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the January 2024 be approved as presented. Vote: Yes-5, No-0.

Report of Tree Warden
Mr. Lavatori said that trees that are Uptown require a permit to be planted. Certain maples can come down to create spots for new trees.

Chair McManus asked the Warden if any property owner has asked him to look at the trees on their property. The Warden replied that the question is whose tree is it and he walks around the yard, if asked by the property owner. Mr. Roth stated that the Tree Committee (“the Committee”) members are not licensed arborists and that the report of Howe & Laudorf from 2005 cites the Committee’s legal responsibilities.

The Chair reported that the Finances have not changed since the last Meeting.

There are $32,000 in credits, with $4,000 in debits, including $3,000 from the Survey.

John Pinchbeck Memorial Fund $1,900 in credits and $1,400 in debits.

Old Business
The Chair and the Committee discussed various ways to share our knowledge with the public.

The Chair stated that the Committee should look at updating the Ballard Park pamphlet that was done six years ago, commemorating Arbor Day 2024 (April 26) and updating the Notable Trees Book by each Committee member carving out an area of Ridgefield to distinguish notable trees within a five mile radius.

No actions were taken.

Public Engagement
Various public venues were discussed, with nothing finite decided. \

The Chair re-emphasized the need to update the Forestry Management Plan.

New Business
During discussion, using the Rangers as workforce emerged. Pete Nichols is now in charge of them. Ms. Snow said that she would be in touch with the Conservation Commission about collaboration of resources.

The Next Meeting is to be an in-person meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 4, 2024 at the Tree Warden’s Office.

UPON motion duly made (Roth), seconded (McManus), and carried, it was RESOLVED that the meeting adjourn at 7:50 P.M. Vote: Yes-6, No-0.

Respectfully submitted, Eileen B. White