Special Meeting Minutes - Approved

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 12, 2024

Ridgefield Pension Commission
Final Minutes of the Special, In-Person Meeting of February 12, 2024

The special meeting convened in-person at Ridgefield Town Hall Large Lower-Level Conference Room at 6:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PHYSICALLY PRESENT: Messrs. Christofer Christiansen (Chairman), Christopher St. Victor-de Pinho (Secretary), Thomas Hayes, and Andrew Okrongly.
MEMBER RECUSED: Mr. Zigmas Kaknevicius.

  1. Upon a motion by Mr. St. Victor-de Pinho and second by Mr. Hayes, the minutes of the Commission’s February 5, 2024 meeting were unanimously approved.
  2. At 6:05 p.m., upon a motion by Mr. St. Victor-de Pinho and second by Mr. Hayes, the Commission unanimously voted to move into executive session to discuss the ongoing search for a new firm to serve as OCIO / investment advisor to the Town’s retirement plans. This discussion focused on RFP responses from multiple firms to the Town, which included confidential and proprietary information.
  3. The Commission exited executive session at 7:15 p.m.

Upon motion by Mr. Okrongly and second by Mr. Hayes, and unanimous agreement by the Commissioners, the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.

Submitted in final form with the concurrence of the Commission members.
Andrew Okrongly