
Wednesday, June 7, 2023 - 1:03pm

Town of Ridgefield- Ridgefield Arts Council Meeting
June 7, 2023 at 7:00
In-Person Attendees: Town Hall Small Conference Room
400 Main Street, Ridgefield, Connecticut

Those Attending Virtually:
Meeting ID: 362 559 6884
One tap mobile: +16469313860, 3625596884# US, +19292056099, 3625596884# US (New York)

Policy:  Ridgefield Arts Council meetings will be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order and all participants are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and treat all those present with respect, empathy and civility.

The Ridgefield Arts Council generates attention for and facilitates collaboration between members of our vibrant arts community. Our mission is to inform, entertain, and inspire those who appreciate and create art in all its genres.

  1. Meeting to Order
  2. Approve Minutes                  
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Old Business:
    1. Mission Touch-Base
    2. RAC Storage Update
    3. Brochures
    4. Behind the Scenes Honors Recap
    5. Make Music Day
    6. Generator
    7. Group Updates as needed
  5. New Business
    1. N/A
  6. Meeting Adjourned