Stormwater Regulations Notice





Effective September 4, 2020, any activity or development that increases the impervious coverage (as defined in Sec.2.2. of the Zoning Regulations) is subject to the standards set forth in Sec.7.15. Stormwater Management Requirements.


Prior to the initiation of any activity or development that will increase the impervious coverage of any property within the Town of Ridgefield, the owner/agent of the premises shall submit to the Land Use Office, Planning and Zoning Department, a Class A-2 survey prepared by a Connecticut licensed surveyor stating the existing impervious coverage for said premises, and the proposed increase in impervious coverage. Impervious coverage shall be calculated in square feet.


Pursuant to Sec.7.15. the Planning and Zoning Department will review the submitted impervious coverage calculations to determine if a Stormwater Management application shall be required.