
Small Conference Room, Town Hall
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Thursday, November 16, 2023 - 8:00am

Parking Authority Agenda
Regular meeting
November 16, 2023, 8am, Small Conference Room, Town Hall

Policy – Parking Authority will be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order and all participants are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and treat all those present with respect, empathy and civility. Comments are welcome at the end of the meeting and limited to three minutes and to agenda items only.

1. Approval of minutes
a. 10/19/2023 regular meeting

2. Parking enforcement officers report
a. Lou Yarrish update
b. The Lantern follow up

3. Continuation of CVS/USPS lot discussion
a. USPS followup with Blumenthal
b. License agreement amendment

4. Governor St lot to Bailey Ave sidewalk discussion

5. Continuation of Donnelly Lot discussion
a. Ancona’s Wines & Liquors

6. Regency Centers potential lot enforcement
a. 426 Main
b. 470 Main + Yankee Ridge

7. Continuation of Big Shop Lane discussion

8. Parking data review
a. Citations issued since last meeting

9. Other business