
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Ridgefield Housing Authority
Ridgefield, CT 06877

RHA Motions

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Ridgefield, CT 06877

Meeting in person at Ballard Green Community Room and via Zoom– 305 224-1968 (266 192 1953)

Commissioners Present: Vincent Liscio, Paul Janerico, Jan Hebert, Maree MacPherson (All present in person)
Commissioner Absent: Ed Baird
REM Staff: Wade Rockwood, Monica Stromwall, Wesley Robinson
RHA Residents: Krisann Benson, Nancy Higgins, Barbara Beaulieu, Izette Brendza  

A motion to approve RHA Regular Meeting Minutes from February 7, 2024, with no changes, was made by Ms. Hebert and seconded by Mr. Janerico, all present approved except for Ms. Hebert who abstained since she was not present at the meeting.

A motion to approve Management Report was made by Ms. Hebert and seconded by Mr. Janerico, all present approved.

A motion was made to accept Budget V2 that was recently sent to all Board Members by Mr. Janerico the motion was seconded by Ms. Hebert, all present approved.

A motion to approve Tenant Commissioner Report was made by Mr. Janerico and seconded by Ms. Hebert. All present approved.

A motion was made to move forward with MJM Paving to handle repair and replacement of walkways at Ballard Green for the amount of $39K by Mr. Liscio and seconded by Mr. Janerico, all present approved.

A motion to adjourn the RHA Meeting was made by Ms. Hebert and seconded by Ms. MacPherson, all present approved.