
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 8:00pm

Ridgefield Housing Authority
Ridgefield, CT 06877
RHA Agenda
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 8:00AM
Meeting will be on Conference Line


  1. Call to Order (C*: Liscio)
  2. Approval of Minutes (4/20/2022)
  3. Financial Report (C: Janerico)
  4. Tenant Commissioner Report (C:Burke)
  5. Old Business
    1. Ballard walkways, Carriage Barn windows (C: Liscio)
    2. Alternative H.S. Expansion (C: Liscio)
    3. Thrift Shop Donation (C: Burke)
    4. Other: Congregate elevator tower facing, Prospect gazabo and generator, BG cameras Internet/cable service, Cameras Prospect, Emergency Plans, BG Signs & map, Affordable Housing Project, Prospect Ridge Laundry, Ballard Entrance
    5. Prospect Ridge Laundry
    6. Fire Department Congregate – compliance (C: Coyle)
    7. Pavilion Signage, Emergency Plan (C: Hebert)
    8. Solarizing RHA Properties/Charging Stations/Eversource (C: Janerico)
    9. RHA web presence and Face Book Page (C: Liscio)
    10. Community Room Update (C:Liscio)
  6. New Business
    1. Rent Adjustment Discussion (C:ALL)
    2. Resident Correspondence (C:Burke)
    3. ARPA Discussion (C:Liscio)
    4. Secretary Commissioner Position / Q of L Board Representative

* Commissioner    **Konover

Policy:  Ridgefield Housing Authority Board meetings will be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order, as instructed by the Town Clerk’s Office of Ridgefield, CT,  and all participants are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and treat all those present with respect, empathy and civility.

RHA Recording Secretary (Pat) will open phone lines at 7:45
AM – Attendance will be taken.  Please ensure you announce yourself to Pat prior to start of meeting.

Conference Call 351 999 3184 (no code needed)

Next Meeting May 18, 2022 at 7PM