Bid Notices

SCROLL DOWN the page and Click on the heading of the Bid item you are interested in to load a PDF file.
If ONLY a ONE (1) page legal advertisement is posted, contact the Purchasing Department for full bid documents.

If the Cover Advertisment, Instructions, Hold Harmless and Insurance requirements are listed,along with some sort of description or specification of what is requested, Then this is the full entire bid.  Sometinmes it's only a 1/2 a page.

NOTICE - It is the responsibility of the vendor to check back to the web site for addendum, if Any, as we have no way of contacting vendors that access documents from the web page. Addendum usually appear no later than a week before bid closing, but there are always occasional exceptions. Addendums will never be posted with less than 48 hours notice before the closing time, except as part of extending the closing time or canceling a bid.

Bidders lists are not possible due to electronic distribution from more than one web location without registration.

PLEASE NOTE: Specifications must be followed as listed below. ONLY official Addendums, which will ALWAYS be posted here, can amend, change or adjust the listed specifications. Bid Responses will be judged solely by the specifications as listed here. 

 It is the Vendors Responsibility to check back for Addendum's, If Any.

         Fiscal Year 2024 Bid Notices

Jacob Muller, Director of Purchasing

(203) 431-2720