Historic District Commission

About Us

The Historic District Commission (“HDC”) is governed by Connecticut State Statutes (Section 7-147a – 147k) as well as local ordinance. The Commission was created in 1968 for the purpose of preserving the historic character of the homes and properties within Ridgefield’s Historic Districts. The Commission governs new construction, alterations, fences, walkways, lighting, signs, driveways, parking areas and other exterior structural features. No buildings within the Districts, which includes garages, maintenance sheds and similar structures, may be altered or demolished without prior review and approval from the Commission. The Commission’s Design Guidelines (download) and Rules of Procedure (download) provide property owners with guidelines, standards, and our operating procedures. 

Should the occasion arise when you wish to build, repair, alter or expand your home or property, please remember that the Commission requires notification prior to any work being initiated. In the event that the Commission  determines these changes fall within its jurisdiction, an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness (download) is required. The Application form outlines in detail the Commission’s required information. We are also available to discuss ideas on an informal basis at regularly scheduled meetings to give you the benefit of our experience and help guide you through the application process. Please read “COVID 19 and HDC Public Meetings” notification to be in effect until further notice.

Advisory Role

Ridgefield has seven historic districts (download), two of which are regulatory, and 450 historic structures and sites listed on the State Register of Historic Places. The HDC acts in an advisory role to other Town departments in matters related to historic preservation. In addition, the HDC partners with the Ridgefield Historical Society on preservation matters. Ridgefield has a significant commitment and interest in its historic preservation and, as such, the Town is a Certified Local Government by the U.S. Department of the Interior, which establishes its working partnership with the National Park Service and the State Historic Preservation Office. This program empowers the HDC to pursue preservation initiatives beyond regulating historic districts and provides State and Federal grant funding for historic preservation initiatives. 

How to Reach Us

Please contact Dan O' Brien, HDC Chair, at (203) 716-6140 or email him at [email protected].

Commission Members

Name Title
Daniel J. O'Brien Chair
Harriet Hanlon
Rhys L. Moore
Sean O'Kane
Kathleen M. Daughters
Mark E. Blandford Alternate
Sara Kaplan Alternate
Michael Mitchell Alternate