Braver Angels Community Debate

Event Date: 
Sunday, April 7, 2024 - 3:00pm

The Connecticut Alliance invites you to a
Braver Angels Community Debate 

Sunday, April 7, 2024: 3:00pm 

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church North Hall
353 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877

The Topic:  “Should Ridgefield support greater diversity in Housing Options.

What’s a Braver Angels Debate? 
Like 99% of Americans, you probably haven’t experienced anything like a Braver Angels Community Debate. It’s a highly structured conversation wherein a group of people think together, listen carefully to one another, and allow themselves to be touched and perhaps changed by each other’s ideas. It’s not a political debate, where competing candidates attempt to win votes. Nor is it a raucous interchange where people advocate positions in which they may not even believe for the sole purpose of vanquishing their foes. You can read more here:


  • To engage in a process through which, together, we might get a little closer  to the truth.
  • To become more aware of the validity of differing views.
  • To build tighter community relationships. 

The Process:  

We’ll use modified parliamentary procedures, which help to create an atmosphere of decorum and respect. We ask and expect participants to behave respectfully  toward one another, whether they’re speakers, or have a question for the speaker, or are simply there to listen. 

What happens after the debate? 

Everyone emerges a bit nearer to the truth, with a deeper appreciation for opposing viewpoints, and strengthened community bonds. 

Interested?  Register here:

Questions?   Gary Holland, [email protected], (203) 733-5104